COVID-19 Update for Resellers

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COVID-19 Update for Resellers

June 2, 2021


To our valued resellers, as of June 2, 2021 the Government of Ontario has announced the expiration of Ontario's Stay-at-Home order.

Though our factory will remain open and we will continue fulfilling orders, we will be working at a reduced capacity with precautionary and proactive measures to minimize COVID-19 transmission in the community as outlined by the City of Toronto on local health guidelines. However, we will continue to do our very best to maintain our service levels while keeping everyone safe.

All non-essential visits will continue to be banned. If you plan to drop by for a visit that is not pre-approved, please call or email us at, or choose to have the appointment by phone or video conference instead.

For all small parcel and sample pick-ups & drop-offs please use our Contactless Curbside Pick-up Service. For all larger boxed/skid shipments, we encourage you make an appointment via; upon pick-up appointment confirmation, please proceed directly to the back Warehouse and be prepared to adhere to our COVID19 Health & Safety protocols, including a mandatory facemask requirement. 

For our family of makers here at Redwood Classics Apparel, the well-being and safety of our internal and external stakeholders are of critical importance to us. We hope that you will do what you can to support as many local small businesses as you can, as they are what makes our city unique and employ so many. 

During this unprecedented time, we are closely monitoring the situation through various governmental agencies and public health officials and will reach out with any further updates that could impact your business.

Warmly yours, 

Kathy Cheng

President, Redwood Classics Apparel 


Redwood Classics Logo

COVID-19 Update

January 12, 2021


To our valued resellers, the Government of Ontario has announced today a second Provincial Emergency under s 7.0.1 (1) of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act (EMPCA). These new public health measures are intended to help minimize the spread of COVID-19 by reducing concerning levels of mobility as the province continues its vaccine rollout. 

We want to assure you that our factory will remain open and we will be fulfilling orders, with precautionary and proactive measures to minimize COVID-19 transmission in the community as outlined by the City of Toronto on local health guidelines. However, as Ontario is currently under State of Emergency orders, we will continue to do our very best to maintain our service levels while keeping everyone safe.

Effective immediately, all non-essential visits are banned. If you have a scheduled appointment or plan to drop by for a visit, please call or email us to reschedule (, or choose to have the appointment by phone or video conference instead. 

For all small parcel and sample pick-ups & drop-offs please use our Contactless Curbside Pick-up Service. For all larger boxed/skid shipments, we encourage you make an appointment via; upon pick-up appointment confirmation, please proceed directly to the back Warehouse and be prepared to adhere to our COVID19 Health & Safety protocols, including a mandatory facemask requirement. 

For our family of makers here at Redwood Classics Apparel, the well-being and safety of our internal and external stakeholders are of critical importance to us. We hope that you will do what you can to support as many local small businesses as you can, as they are what makes our city unique and employ so many. 

During this unprecedented time, we are closely monitoring the situation through various governmental agencies and public health officials and will reach out with any further updates that could impact your business.

Warmly yours, 

Kathy Cheng

President, Redwood Classics Apparel 


Redwood Classics Logo

COVID-19 Update

November 23, 2020


The Government of Ontario has announced the City of Toronto and Region of Peel will move to the “Lockdown/Grey” stage of the COVID-19 Response Framework effective Monday, November 23, 2020 at 12:01 a.m. for a minimum of 28 days. As one of your trusted supply-chain partners, proudly manufacturing on Canadian soil, we too, are monitoring developments regarding COVID-19 closely. 

Please note that we are open and fully operational, taking precautionary and proactive measures to minimize COVID-19 transmission in the community as prescribed by our local health guidelines outlined by the City of Toronto

If you have a scheduled appointment or plan to drop by for a visit, please call or email us ( ahead of time to reschedule your appointment, or choose to have the appointment by phone or video conference instead. 

For all pick-ups, please use our Contactless Curbside Pick-up Service for small packages and samples. For all larger boxed/skid shipments, we encourage you make an appointment via; upon pick-up appointment confirmation, please proceed directly to the back Warehouse and be prepared to adhere to our COVID19 Health & Safety protocols, including a mandatory facemask requirement. 

For our family of makers here at Redwood Classics Apparel, the well-being and safety of our internal and external stakeholders are of critical importance to us. We hope that you will do what you can to support as many local small businesses as you can, as they are what makes our city unique and employ so many. 

During this unprecedented time, we are closely monitoring the situation through various governmental agencies and public health officials and will reach out with any further updates that could impact your business. 

Warmly yours, 

Signature of Kathy Cheng

Kathy Cheng

President, Redwood Classics Apparel 

Additional links:

Government of Canada 

Ontario Ministry of Health 

Toronto Public Health


COVID-19 Update

May 11, 2020


The Redwood Classics team is back! While we will be operating at a reduced capacity and speed of service, we do have inventory in stock and ready to ship.

We have safety and cleaning measures in place to protect our makers and, in order to maintain social distancing and reduce exposure, there will be no factory visits or pickups at this time. 

Thank you for your understanding and ongoing support in our #MadeInCanada movement! 

Warmly yours,

Kathy Cheng

President, Redwood Classics Apparel 


COVID-19 Update

March 24, 2020


The impact of COVID-19 is changing by the hour.

Yesterday, The Ontario Government announced mandatory closure of all non-essential workplaces in the Province of Ontario to further contain the spread of COVID-19. The list of essential workplaces in response to COVID-19 has been announced.

Effective immediately, to abide by the protocol that was set out by the Government, the factory will be shut down for 14 days.

A plea to Canada’s industrial base to make essential items to fight COVID-19 has been made. And we have responded.

By investing in research and development efforts and continue to have open channels of communication with various levels of government offices and agencies, an essential service, skeleton crew is on standby to address any immediate needs.

We hope you will join us in the fight against COVID-19 and help protect the health and well-being of citizens across our nation.

If your business has the capabilities to fight COVID-19, we encourage you to contribute through the Ontario Together website at or on the Calling All Suppliers - Help Canada Combat COVID-19 page posted on the

We are in this together.

Sincerely yours,

Kathy Cheng

President, Redwood Classics Apparel  


COVID-19 Update

March 23, 2020


The Ontario Government has announced mandatory closure of all non-essential workplaces in the Province of Ontario to further contain the spread of COVID-19. Medical offices, supermarkets, pharmacies, LCBO outlets, banks, and takeout restaurants will be allowed.

Essential manufacturers and supply-chain businesses will be permitted to operate, with details of exactly which businesses will be designated as essential and non-essential to be released on Tuesday March 24, 2020.

Premier Doug Ford has made a plea to Ontario’s industrial base to make essential items to fight COVID-19 right here at home. Economic Development Minister Vic Fedeli has said that the government will leave no stone unturned in finding facilities that can make what is needed.

Over the upcoming days, WS & Co./Redwood Classics Apparel will know if we fall into the “essential manufacturer” category. Until then, we will continue to be fully operational. 

More than ever, we are humbled by our makers and supply-chain partners’ roles in rebuilding the textile community in Canada, and now, to keep our citizens safe.

If your business has the capabilities to fight COVID-19, we encourage you to contribute through the Ontario Together website at

During this unprecedented time, we are closely monitoring the situation and will reach out with any further updates.

Warmly yours, 

Kathy Cheng

President, Redwood Classics Apparel 


COVID-19 Update

March 17, 2020


For our family of makers here at Redwood Classics Apparel, the well-being and safety of our internal and external stakeholders are of critical importance to us. As one of your trusted supply-chain partners, we too, are monitoring new developments regarding COVID-19 closely.  

We are open and fully operational, taking precautionary and proactive measures to minimize COVID-19 transmission in the community. If you have a scheduled appointment or plan to drop by for a visit, please call or email us ( ahead of time to reschedule your appointment, or choose to have the appointment by phone or video conference instead. 

If you have traveled outside of Canada within the past 14 days, or if you have interacted with someone who has been diagnosed with COVIDS-19 or are awaiting test results, please follow Health Canada recommendations. This includes self-isolation for those who have contracted the virus or encounter someone who has tested positive, or who have returned from travel from a country that public health officials have deemed to be high risk.

We wish to assure you that we have asked our internal stakeholders who meet the above criteria to adhere to the same guidelines and follow the directions of local public health authorities. 

As an end-to-end premium apparel manufacturer, inventory levels of our in-stock garments do fluctuate as we serve many faithful distributors. We do, however, expect our inventory levels and our Just-in-Time (JIT) delivery model to remain strong.

During this unprecedented time, we are closely monitoring the situation through various governmental agencies and public health officials and will reach out with any further updates that could impact your business. 

Warmly yours, 

Kathy Cheng

President, Redwood Classics Apparel 


Additional links:

Government of Canada 

Ontario Ministry of Health 

Toronto Public Health